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The Commercial Company Board

UUEAS is a Registered Charity and has a subsidiary commercial company, Student Union Services (SUS)  LTD . SUS provides all the retail, bars and entertainment services on campus and the gigs at the Waterfront, our venue in the city.

SUS is a  social enterprise and has four key aims: to generate income for the main charity, to provide excellent safe and relaible commercial services to the members, to provide employabity opportunities to the members and to involve members of hard to reach groups within the wider SU membership.

As a social enterprise, SUS is bound by SU policy.

The company's operations are led by the Union's Deputy Chief Executive who also sits on the company''s board as a Non-Executive Director.

The formal legal oversight of the company is the responsibility of the Company Directors who are the five Full Time Officers. They meet once a year at the company AGM to approve the accounts and to appoint auditors. The Waterfront is legally a separate company, Waterfront Ltd, but it is managed and oprates within SUS.

In the autumn of 2015 we instituted really exciting changes to SUS' structure.

We will have Student Managers in each section of the commercial operation whose task is to listen to members' feedback and ideas and work on development plans and improving the way we do things

We also have two Development and Oversight Boards one for retail and catering and one for bars and gigs. The Boards' job is to  look at how our services are working and how we can develop them to provide the best services possible for our members.

The Boards meetings are not as formal as those of conventional company boards and there are 3 or 4 a year.

The Boards are made up of Officers, SU staff, the Student Managers, student staff representatives and students. The student members are  elected at the start of the autum term. If you are interested in the way big commercial operations work or would like to improve the service in the shiop, bars or gigs; this might be your ideal opportunity; For more information contact Tony, our Democracy and Governance Coordinator at

Legal Notice

In March, 2015, the Board of Student Union Services Ltd resolved to reduce its share capital from £3,750,000 to £100,000 so as to free up reserves. In order to do this, the Board are legally required to make a statement of the Company' s solvency publically available; please find the SUS Solvency Statement here.

Commercial Boards: Documents

SUS AGM Agenda 2018

Waterfront AGM 2018 Agenda

SUS AGM Agenda 2017

Waterfront AGM Agenda 2017

SUS AGM 7 April 2016

Waterfront AGM 7 April 2016

Development and Oversight Board Retail and Catering 9 May 2019

Development and Oversight Board Bars and Ents 7 February 2019

Development and Oversight Board Retail and Catering 6 February 2019

Development and Oversight Board Retail 1 December 2015

Development and Oversight Board Bars and Ents 30 November 2015

SUS AGM 24 March 2015

Waterfront AGM 24 March 2015

24 March 2015

9 February 2015

16 December 2014

17 September 2014

5 June 2014