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Student Space Booking Requests
Hive Stalls, blue bar and LCR bookings
The Hive
Student groups are able to book a stall in the hive in union house. Please fill out the form below to book a spot.
Blue Bar
Studentents groups are able to book blue bar, subject to availability. Any event in this space has to be something that any customer could watch and enjoy, for example, an open mic night, poetry slam or an interactive activity. Events in this space should be seen as an opportunity to expand the reach of your club or society by engaging with our customer base.
No ticketed events can take place in Blue Bar as it has to be open to everyone, however your club or society will be able to take cashless, voluntary donations via the SU website.
To enquire about booking the blue bar, please email union.opportunities@uea.ac.uk.
If you wish to enquire about booking the LCR for your student event, please email union.opportunites@uea.ac.uk and a member of staff will be in touch. You will be invited to come into the SU office for a meeting to further discuss your plans and ideas.
For further information on the spaces that are available to book and how to book them, please visit the committee hub.
Union House bookable room capacity
Bookable rooms maximum capacities can be found below:
Bookable Room 1 – 50 people
Bookable Room 2 – 15 people
Bookable Room 3 – 8 people
Bookable Room 4 – 15 people
Bookable Room 5 – 20 people
Bookable Room 6 – 50 people (space available for UEA teaching only)
Bookable Rooms in Union House can be booked from 9am – 10pm, please fill in the room booking form at the bottom of this page.
UEA Room capacities and availability
UEA room capacities can be found via Booker (what was previously e-vision). To book a UEA room, please fill in the room booking form at the bottom of this page.
Room bookings
Student societies and individual students are able to book some rooms around campus. There are important rules and regulations regarding student use of these rooms, including alcohol and health and safety regulations.
Before submitting a request to book a room, please ensure the room booking regulations below have been read and understood:
For simple events such as meetings we require 72hrs notice (excluding weekends). For events with external speakers or larger events we require a minimum of 4 weeks notice.
Room Booking Form