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Everything the Union does is guided by, and must comply with, our Articles of Association (our Constitution) and Bye-Laws. In these documents, you’ll find guidelines and rules covering everything from our clubs and societies to the structure of our Trustee Board.

Suppose you think we could be doing things differently. In that case, you can propose changes to the Articles of Association and Bye-Laws through Union Council, or by organising a campaign to hold a referendum.

The Articles set out the core constitutional structure, mapping out our governance. The Bye-Laws cover processes such as how our elections are run, rules of conduct at meetings, and our equality and diversity commitments.

As a large and complex organisation, our rules need to be detailed and thorough. If you have any questions or are unsure about any part, feel free to drop by and speak to a member of the Officer team. If you’re unable to visit Union House, you can contact us at

The Union is member-led, so it’s essential that our members are both happy with and understand these governing documents. We are currently tidying them up to ensure they reflect what was passed at Union Council last year—so please bear with us as we make them fabulous for you!


Bye-Law 1: Democratic Processes

This bye-law outlines the procedures for democracy within the Students' Union. It details how members can participate in decision-making, propose motions, and engage in debates. It ensures a structured process for elections, amendments, and policy development, providing clarity on the roles of elected officers, representatives, and students. The bye-law ensures that the democratic processes within the Union are transparent, fair, and truly representative of the student body's views, encouraging active involvement in shaping the Union’s direction. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 2: Code of Conduct for Union Meetings

This bye-law sets out the expected behaviour and structure during Union meetings. It emphasises respect, order, and equal opportunities for debate. The chairperson plays a vital role in maintaining impartiality and ensuring that the meeting follows the established rules. Disruptive behaviour may result in expulsion from the meeting. The bye-law also outlines the specific agenda items that must be included, such as approval of minutes and reports, and procedures for dealing with emergency items. Meetings are expected to be conducted professionally and in accordance with the Union's regulations. You can download the full bye-law here​.

Bye-Law 3: Liberations Societies and Assemblies

This bye-law defines the structure and function of Liberation Societies and Assemblies, which represent marginalised groups such as LGBTQ+, women, disabled students, and students of colour. It sets out the roles of these societies in advocating for the rights and welfare of their members. The bye-law also provides guidelines for forming new societies, ensuring they have proper constitutions and governance. It aims to promote inclusivity and diversity within the student community, offering a platform for underrepresented groups to have their voices heard. You can download the full bye-law here​.

Bye-Law 4: Student Officer Job Descriptions

This bye-law outlines the duties and responsibilities of Student Officers, both full-time and part-time. It details their roles in representing the student body, leading campaigns, and being accountable to Union Council. Full-time officers also serve as trustees and directors within the Union, ensuring its commercial and governance functions are in line with student needs. This bye-law provides a comprehensive description of how officers should engage with students and manage various aspects of student life. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 5: Election Regulations

This bye-law sets out the rules for student elections, ensuring a transparent and democratic process. It outlines the election timetable, campaigning rules, and voting methods, such as the single transferable vote. The regulations ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all candidates, while safeguarding against misconduct. It also details the role of election officers in supervising the process, ensuring that the election is conducted in a professional and impartial manner. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 6: Complaints

This bye-law provides a clear process for handling complaints within the Union. It encourages informal resolution where possible but also sets out a formal process for addressing more serious issues. Members can submit complaints regarding Union services, staff, or other members. Complaints are reviewed and investigated by the relevant departments, with a focus on transparency and fairness. The bye-law also outlines the process for appealing decisions and handling significant breaches of conduct. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 7: Staff Protocol

This bye-law governs the relationship between Union staff and student members, ensuring that staff are treated fairly and with respect. It emphasises the importance of clear boundaries between staff roles and student responsibilities, particularly in public forums. The bye-law protects staff from being named or discussed in Union meetings and provides formal channels for addressing staff-related grievances. It seeks to maintain a professional and respectful environment in all staff-student interactions. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 8: Equal Opportunities

This bye-law reaffirms the Union’s commitment to promoting equality and diversity across all its activities. It ensures that all students, staff, and visitors are treated fairly, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics. The Union actively works to eliminate discrimination and create an inclusive environment. Regular reviews are mandated to ensure that policies and practices remain up-to-date and effective in promoting equal opportunities. You can download the full bye-law here​.

Bye-Law 9: Student Opportunity Groups

This bye-law governs the formation, management, and funding of student clubs, societies, and peer support groups. It provides a framework for how these groups are established and run, including the election of committees and financial management. The bye-law also sets out the accountability measures for these groups, ensuring they adhere to their constitutions and align with Union policies. It aims to support a vibrant and inclusive student community by offering students diverse opportunities for personal and social development. You can download the full bye-law here​.

Bye-Law 10: The Union’s Finances and Budget

This bye-law details the financial operations of the Union, including how budgets are set, managed, and reported. It outlines the roles of the Finance Committee and the Trustee Board in overseeing financial decisions, ensuring that resources are allocated in line with the Union’s strategic goals. The bye-law also emphasises the importance of transparency, with financial summaries made available to members. It ensures that the Union’s finances are handled responsibly, with clear accountability to students. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 11: Sub-Committees of the Trustee Board

This bye-law outlines the creation and governance of sub-committees within the Trustee Board. These sub-committees are designed to focus on specific areas such as finance, governance, and strategic planning. The bye-law defines their structure, responsibilities, and reporting mechanisms to the Trustee Board. By delegating certain tasks to these sub-committees, the Trustee Board ensures that the Union's operations are efficiently managed and that key issues receive focused attention. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 12: Code of Conduct

This bye-law establishes the expected behaviour of all Union members and affiliated groups, both in-person and online. It emphasises respect, inclusion, and compliance with Union policies. Breaches of the Code of Conduct, such as bullying, harassment, or damage to property, may result in disciplinary action. The bye-law also defines unacceptable behaviours like discrimination and outlines specific examples of harassment based on protected characteristics. It aims to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 13: NUS Conference Delegation

This bye-law governs the election and duties of delegates who represent the Union at the National Union of Students (NUS) Conference. It outlines the process for selecting delegates, their responsibilities while at the conference, and how they are expected to represent the views of the Union’s membership. The bye-law ensures that the Union’s interests are effectively communicated at the national level, while also promoting accountability and transparency in how delegates carry out their duties. You can download the full bye-law here.

Bye-Law 14: Removal of Committee Members from Office

This bye-law provides the framework for the removal of committee members from office if they fail to fulfil their responsibilities or breach Union rules. It sets out the procedures for initiating the removal process, the grounds for removal, and the appeal process available to the committee member in question. The aim of this bye-law is to ensure that committee members are held accountable to their roles and that any issues are addressed in a fair and transparent manner. You can download the full bye-law here.

Articles of Association

Download the Articles of Association