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Officer Profile
Chris - Campaigns and Democracy Officer

Campaigns and Democracy Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Chris is doing by taking a look at his blog!

chris kershaw (he/him)

Campaigns & Democracy Officer

Hello to freshers, returners, Postgrads, and mature students alike! My name is Chris [he/him] and I’m the Campaigns & Democracy officer for 2024/25.

I’m looking forward to having a wonderful year with you guys and can’t wait to hear about all the things that you care most about and how we can change the university, the Union, and the world together!

As we head into the second quarter of the 21st century, its ever more important that we, as engaged citizens of the world, learn, practice, and hone our activists skills – from the big things like learning about the shifting global landscape and its local manifestations, to the personal and daily acts we can all take to help build the community here on campus and within Norwich that underpins sustainable and meaningful change in our daily lives.

For returners to campus, you’ll likely know that recent years have seen a growing activist culture at UEA, and it is my hope that new students will bring another boost of enthusiasm for the causes that mean the most to them, both on and off campus. From the wonderful community building of the Love Your Leo campaign, multiple bake sales and informational stalls in the hive raising money and awareness about Palestine, to the over 500 staff, students, and local community members who took part in the largest protest in UEA’s recent history, calling for the University to divest from Barclays, the 2024/25 cohort have BIG shoes to fill.

Until then, rest-up and I’ll see you on campus in Welcome Week and beyond. If you have any ideas, concerns, or campaigns you’d like to see championed over the next year, drop me an email (, (platonically) slide into my insta DM’s (campaigns_ueasu), or swing by my Officer Hours between 11am and 1pm every Monday in the Officer Hub in the Hive (next to the front doors) to ask any questions about my manifesto, democracy at UEA(SU) or if you just fancy a chin wag!

Your Campaigns and Democracy Officer represents you.

The Campaigns and Democracy Officer is a full-time representative of students, focusing on democratic representation for students in decision-making and the big issues that matter to you.

My Manifesto

My top three goals for the next year are:


  • Democracy Review: This is a long-term project to refresh the democratic structures of the SU. This year I’m working on refining the recommendations and getting it passed so future students at UEA can know that their voice is heard.
  • Protect International Students:  UEA is trying to bring more international students to study here with us. I’ll establish a “Know Your Rights with the Police” campaign with emphasis placed on getting international students confident in our shared community.
  • Democracy in the streets: We’ve all seen the way the University ignores students concerns and wishes – just look at the announcement of the reduction to the Masters discount and the charge for graduation tickets. I advocate a more proactive approach to politics. As your C&D officer I’ll foster protest, disruption, and non-violent confrontation with those who run the university to get changes made.


For all the details on my aims and what I plan to do, check out my full manifesto below!

Serene's Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Serene is doing by taking a look at her/their blog!

Contact Chris
