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What is Postgraduate(su)

What Is Postgraduate(su)?

Postgraduate(su) is part of uea(su), dedicated to representing and advocating for postgraduate students. 

Postgraduate(su) is made up of the full-time Postgraduate Education Officer, the Postgraduate Committee, the Postgraduate Assembly, and the Graduate Centre Management Group. Need to talk to us? You can always stop by the Democracy and Representation department in the Union Office to chat about any issues you may have. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

What does postgraduate(su) do?

Postgraduate(su) represents the postgraduate voice in many forums across the University. We support the Officer on the PGR Executive, all Graduate Students School Forums, Graduate School Executives, Student Staff Liason Committees, and in space management meetings where postgraduate students are affected.

We put on regular events for postgraduate students at the UEA, and place a particular focus on periods of the year identified to be quieter on campus, in order for postgraduates to engage with one another outside of their busy study schedules. These periods are typically: Winter (December to February), Easter, and Summer (July to September). Check out our events calendar and our social media pages to keep up to date with our upcoming events!

Postgraduate(su) also helps to administrate both the PG Assembly and PG Committee. Both democratic bodies meet several times a year with the first meeting early in the Autumn semester. The PG Assembly is every Postgraduate student - if you're a PG you're automatically a member, and the PG Committee is an elected student body made up of the Officers, and 6 PG Student Representatives. The Postgraduate Education Officer is directly accountable to both the Assembly and Committee, so if you want to create change and have your voice heard, these forums are a perfect opportunity.

Your Postgraduate Education Officer '23-'24


Bhaskar Bukkanahalli Shivanna


The Postgraduate Education Officer is a full-time representative of students, focusing on education and academic issues that affect students on PGR (Postgraduate Research) and PGT (Postgraduate Taught) courses.