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Postgraduate(su) is the dedicated branch of the Students' Union just for Postgraduates!

We represent the postgraduate voice in many forums across the University. Made up of the Postgraduate Officer, the Postgraduate Committee, the Graduate Centre Management Committee, and the dedicated staff at the SU, we help to boost the voice and create the space needed to make UEA better for PGs. 

Check out all the tabs below to find out more about everything we do. There are events, democracy, funding support, and much more!


What is Postgraduate(su)?

What is Postgraduate(su)? Find out more

Postgraduate Advice

Postgraduate Advice Find out more

Postgraduate Assembly and Voice

Postgraduate Assembly and Voice Find out more

Research and Reports

Research and Reports Find out more

Information and Support

Information and Support Find out more

Postgraduate Sports and Events

Postgraduate Sports and Events Find out more