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Welcome to Actuarial Society 2024/25!


This is a society for people aspiring to pursue a career in the actuarial industry or people who want to know what actuarial science is all about! We aim to welcome anyone regardless of doing an actuarial science degree.

We aim to host talks from companies, hold at least one social every 4 weeks and introduce a support network for all students.


A taster session will take place in September at the start of the semester. If you'd like to  see what our society is all about, please check out our Instagram, updates will be posted in due course.


In addition to the society sessions, we also hold regular social events throughout the year to provide opportunities for you to get to know your fellow members with similar interests and make new friends.We will host a range of socials from bowling to laser tag, there's something for everyone!

Upcoming Events:

Societies fair - Tuesday 17th September at the Sportspark from 11am - 4pm. Prizes will be up for grabs and lots of freebies!!!

Additional Support Sessions (first Year only):

Are you a first year Actuarial Student and struggling to understand a particular concept or module? Well, every week one of the committee will be free to help with this! (dates and times to be decided)

Meet the committee:

  • President - William Chenery
  • Vice-President - Tishya Dassaye
  • Treasurer - Morolake Sunmola
  • Health and Safety Officer - TBD
  • Social Secretary - William Chenery
  • Equality and Diversity Officer - Tishya Dassaye
  • First Year Representative - To be elected during Semester 1

Please follow our Instagram @ueaactuarialsoc

If you have any questions or queries about the society, feel free to contact by email ( or via our Socials.