officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Rebekah Temple-Fielder


safety net & no detriment: a quick reminder of support!

Hi All,

Many SU reps have made us aware that some students are still unsure about the Safety Net and No Detriment measures this year.

To help, the University have provided us with the information and we have summarised it here for you. Hopefully this should answer your questions! Plus remember our Facebook Live with UEA staff on this topic, which you can re-watch for lots of useful answers to student questions.

  • UEA have reduced the number of assessments you need to take as part of your course.
  • You can let UEA know if you have had an illness or other problems by submitting an Extenuating Circumstances Request. Please note, from the first of March 2021 you will be asked for evidence where you can be reasonably be expected to have some.
  • If you haven’t been able to access learning, for example in studios or labs, assessments will be changed if needed. Your module organisers will let you know about this.
  • UEA will use the best year average you have to calculate your degree classification.
  • As a final check, the Board of Examiners will look at all students’ marks and circumstances and consider what is a fair outcome.

You can find the full details on the No-Detriment Approach and Safety Net Use in this email sent to all taught students from Prof Emma Sutton, or on the Assessment Support page on My UEA.

  • The Learning and Teaching Service have put together some No-Detriment FAQs, as well as some Safety Net examples to help students understand how both approaches work to support their academic progression.
  • You can find the full details of everything that’s been put in place to support their education via the ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment Information’ card on the My UEA dashboard

As always, if you have any questions then please let us know. You can contact myself on

Key message: If you are unsure ask and always check the information available.

Take Care

Cal X
