officer blog


Activities & Opportunities

Olivia Hunt


have fun and win prizes with flativities

Did you see LOADS of pumpkins in the Hive before Halloween, and if so did you find yourself wondering what it was all about? Well, seeing as the pumpkins went so fast (400 in just six hours) that we didn’t even have time to put the signage out, here's your answer:

The pumpkins were for the launch of our new Flativities programme! It started out with a completely random idea written at 2am with the name Flat Activities and some bright spark in the SU decided 'Flativities' sounded like a catchy name. The point of Flativities is to run a different activity every week that you can do with your flat, your housemates, your family or anyone else in your support bubble as a bit of fun to get you through lockdown!

Some weeks will be linked to current campaigns we’ve got going at the SU, some (like the pumpkins) will be themed with the season, and the rest will just be a bit random. Entering gets you the chance to win a cash prize as well, so what's not to love? 

To see this week's activity, head over to our Flativities page.

To submit, just send a photo of your creation to @uea_su on Instagram or @ueastudentsunion on Facebook!

Have fun, and much love,

