
Welcome to the UEA Law Society!


The Law Society warmly welcomes students from all schools who are interested in law! We provide 8 competitions, workshops and talks throughout the year for our members to develop their legal skills and create connections. Academics aside, we also host an exciting social calender for our members including the most anticipated Winter and Spring balls! (watch out for updates on our trip abroad which will take place during Spring Break...)

The Law Society is a brilliant place to meet like-minded people and enjoy the social side, while participating in events that will build your skills and develop your career pathway! 

Keep up with the Law Society:

Instagram: @uealawsociety



General Committee Members 24/25:

President - Hugo Lysakowski

Vice President - Elliott Patching

Treasurer - Aldas Bukovskis

Director of Competitions - Calum Scott

Publicity Officers - Tia Chapman & Grace Glover

Social Secretaries - Emily Adkins & Harvey Dack

Commercial Awareness Officer - Kieran Mylrea

Welfare Officer - Sara Klazynska

Careers Secretary Solicitor - Emilia Mulligan

Careers Secretary Barrister - Karla Myburgh

Equality and Diversity Officer - Fateemah Luchmun