
Swimming lesson - Improver

Friday 02 December 2022, 8:30pm - 9:30pm

Sports Park

Come and join UEA Sub Aquas swimming sessions! This session is for any Sub Aqua member that wants to learn to swim or improve their skills. 

We are running 2x 1 hour sessions, the first for beginners who are unable to swim/are not confident and the second for people who can already swim but want to improve.


19:30 - 20:30: Beginners session - Meet at Sports Park at 19:20

20:30 - 21:30: Improvers session (Any ability) - Meet by Poolside at 20:30

It is a requirement of PADI that all divers are able to swim 200m unassisted, and to be able to float for 10 minutes. These sessions aim to allow all members, regardless of background to be able to dive.

If you have any questions, please send a message to the UEA Sub Aqua instagram, send Sophie or Fergus a message, or email