
Model UN Taster Session

Friday 22 September 2023, 4pm - 6pm

Bookable Room Six, Union House

This is our second Model UN taster session of the year, open to everyone no matter how much or how little experience you have in MUN. The session will be beginner friendly and the topic of debate will be the War in Ukraine.

This is our second Model UN taster session of the year, open to everyone no matter how much or how little experience you have in MUN. The session will be beginner friendly and the topic of debate will be the War in Ukraine.

In this taster session we'll be going over the basics of Model United Nations and giving you a feel for what our weekly debate sessions look like. We'll be approaching this taster assuming that nobody has any prior experience, regardless of whether you're a fresher or a returner, so don't feel nervous if you don't have any experience - we'll go as slow or as fast as suits you! The topic will be the war in Ukraine, and no preparation is needed. Attached is a background guide on the topic if you did feel like you wanted to familiarise yourself with it before the session, but it's not required. 

We recommend you bring a waterbottle to the event, and while laptops/phones are not required they can be useful to have, as well as a pen and paper. The taster session is completely free, and will take place in Bookable Room 6, upstairs in the Hive from 4pm-6pm on Friday the 22nd of September.

Check out our instagram page for updates and to find out more about our society!
