
Buxton heath Conservation work

Saturday 24 February 2024, 9:20am - 4pm

We'll be helping to manage Buxton Heat nature reserve for the rare wildlife that thrives there. Bring plenty of warm clothes and a packed lunch for a fun day out!

We will start with a few hours of conservation work, cutting Birch and Willow trees to create more heathland and wetland habitat. After lunch, we will go on a walk around the reserve to look for some of the wildlife. February can be a good time to see Jack Snipes, singing Woodlarks, and the first Adders of the year on warm days. 

Bring wellies if you can, but don't worry if you don't have any, as there are plenty of spare pairs for most feet sizes.  

We will meet opposite the Security Lodge at UEA at 9.20, when Phil Davison (from The Conservation Volunteers) will pick us up. We normally get back to UEA at about 4pm. 

If you're interested in going on this day, please email to book a place!