
candidate manifestos

Candidate for the position of Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer (FT)

Image for Amy Nwobi

Amy Nwobi

Your Voice, Your Right

Hi, my name is Amy Nwobi. I am an International Development postgraduate student from Nigeria. I am currently one of the course representatives for my school. I come from a country that is part of the BAME group and oftentimes, it is difficult for people like me to be accepted and feel comfortable in a new environment. This is the reason I am interested in the student experience (both academically and socially) and the culture of diversity within the school.


How can the school be more accommodating and understanding of the needs of students from various backgrounds? Is there a sense of belonging for the students, especially those from minority groups? How can the school create a safer and more comfortable environment for both the academic and social life of every student, irrespective of their background?


To help students have answers to these questions, I am vying for the position of Welfare, Community and Diversity Officer where equality, diversity and inclusion is the goal. If elected, I will:

• Be the voice of the voiceless to the school concerning issues regarding academic and social life. As a course representative, I will continue to relate with the students and school and ensure that the SU is quick to act upon issues regarding our student life.

• Ensure that there are training to educate students on the value of diversity within the school by doing away with discriminatory labels, accepting each other’s backgrounds and learning to live in a diverse society.

• Push for more diversity and involvement of students in school societies and clubs (both as student and committee members) by providing more public awareness and opportunities to students to participate.

• Work with the LTS to ensure that the school curriculum and staff are more diverse and that the academic needs of the students are being met (more diverse lecturers in the departments and better learning methods for students).

• Work with the school to ensure that the health science students and those off-campus are not forgotten. Activities should be created to involve them and ensure that their opinions are being heard and dealt with.

• Push for support groups (both mental, social and academic) to help students cope with university life, especially those far away from their home countries.

Thank you for taking the time out to read my manifesto. Vote Amy for Welfare! #yourvoiceyourright