officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Taylor Sounes


Supporting your studies through this difficult time

Let’s face it! You can’t get on to campus. You can’t see your mates in the lecture theatre. Extensions to deadlines are in full swing. It’s difficult to study at home and you find yourself procrastinating about doing the work, even though you have nothing else to do in lockdown.

Despite the difficult situation we find ourselves in, there is support available for you from the SU advice team to help you through this time. You can contact them here. The advice SU team can help with all sorts of academic issues; if you are struggling to get work completed and an extension could help, if you don’t understand how your marks have been calculated, or if you need some time out from your studies. There is lots of useful info available here about the changes the university has made to help you.

In times like this, the temptation to cut a couple of corners to help you reach the finish line is higher than ever. However, the university is still on the lookout for plagiarised or colluded work and there will be countless essay writing companies (known as essay mills) that are trying to do work poorly on your behalf. The rules are still clear and remain, that academics will check for work that is done in this way and so no matter how difficult it can be, you should never jeopardise your results.

The SU advice team can support you if the university do suspect your work has been plagiarised or is the result of collusion. They can help you prepare for any meetings you might be asked to attend. You can find more information about this help here.

If you are struggling with your mental health and wellbeing as you try and adjust to the new way of learning whilst balancing this with what's happening in the world around us, you can get support here. This page also contains a link through to UEA’s Student Support Services.

There also some useful resources. If you want to know more about how to get out of the procrastination rut then you should definitely watch this TED talk.

You can also access a set of resources on Blackboard, under the support tab, that will take you through everything you need to know about staying on the right side of academic do’s and don'ts when studying.

Over the last few weeks, I have been busy putting together a paper that gives you information on what we have been working on, our position of online learning and teaching, as well as information about how to access support and what your rights are. To do this, head to the website. I am also running a ‘Coffee with Cal’ Facebook live to talk to you all about teaching and learning currently, as well as some study tips that you can all use over the next few months. Keep an eye on the SU Facebook page for more info and timings.

Stay safe and keep in touch.

