officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Rebekah Temple-Fielder


safety net approach and further assurances

Hi everyone,


We fully support the University in their objective to protect the value of a UEA degree, while at the same time supporting students through this very challenging time that may affect your studies and assessment. We have been calling for the University to relieve undue pressure on our students and provide you with reassurance that UEA as a community is genuinely committed to helping support you to do the best in unprecedented circumstances.


Because UEA do not have an examination period in December or January, the amount of credits already assessed varies considerably and this means there is a lot of variation on what undergraduate students have already been assessed on.


For final year students, the safety net calculation will be used, based on the average mark in the previous counting year. In addition, UEA assures that School Exam Boards have discretion to carefully consider the pattern of marks during your final year. School Exam Boards can identify where there looks to have been a detrimental impact because of COVID-19, which can be taken into consideration in degree classification. For more information visit the FAQs page on the University website.


What is important now is to pull together in difficult times. We want to launch a large-scale learning community. We want you to reach out to peers on your course, suggest new ideas for learning and work with us on making your online experience as good as possible. A great place to start seeing some of this information is on the Get Learning section of our website. We want to provide you with new ways of working and engage you in workshops that allow you to speak on behalf of your peers regarding any queries you have about assessment. We also want to help strengthen your links with schools so you can have a positive dialogue with them over this uncertain period and get the answers you need. Remember to keep an eye on our socials to see updates on these plans.


The Union wants to continue to hear what you are all experiencing. Whether you want more information from schools on assessment, want to get a better understanding around what learning looks like for this coming semester, or want to voice your concerns about something you are experiencing.


The easiest way to let us know about your experiences and voice your concerns is by using our new form at Get Learning. We encourage you to tell us all about you thoughts on your online learning so we can keep up-to-date on what is happening and how you’re feeling.


If you want to follow up with something or have a conversation about your concerns then please get in touch:


As always, don’t be a stranger.

Stay safe and keep in touch


