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UEA Students Union

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Welcomefest 2023: Things I Wish I’d Known At The Start Of University

Things I Wish I'd Known At The Start Of University

Worried you’re forgetting something or wish you had the experience already before you venture to university? We asked 3 students to tell us the things they wish they’d known at the start of their university career here at UEA: 

1. The variety of clubs and societies on campus 

There is something for everyone at UEA. With over 50 clubs and over 100 societies there are loads of ways to stay active and social during your time at UEA. Ranging from women’s football to ultimate frisbee for sport clubs or even academic and cultural for societies. 

2. Easy bus route from campus 

From your UEA accommodation, getting to the city centre is very accessible. The main UEA bus stop runs the 25/26 bus route which can take you straight to the city centre and the train station. The buses run every 7 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime! 

3. UEA Moves + app = Free Coffee 

Moves+ is a fitness app that tracks and rewards for any activity you do, from running to swimming or even walking! Simply pair with your tracking app or fitness watch to your account and log into UEA Moves. You can build up points that can be exchanged for rewards and prizes, such as a free weekly coffee, UEA Moves merch and entries into exciting prize draws. Many challenges are set up so that you can gain extra points and really maximise those rewards!  

4. Facilities are all easily accessible  

One of the good things about UEA is that all buildings are located nearby and all pretty central. So, when you need a sandwich you have The Shop at the street; when you need to take a nap, the Quiet Space is located on the 2nd floor of Hive; if you need a group study space the Library has 5 floors! Most of the buildings should be accessible with your student card as long as you have permission to it but for more information about locations guide, head over to the website or social media channels. 

5. Snakebites  

Ahhh Snakebites, a UEA student staple. If you haven’t tried one yet, get one after reading this blog post at bar(su). Try and make out the ‘S’ drawn on top of the foam... but don’t worry if you don’t drink! Our soft drink and mocktail range are something to dream about! 

6. Unio vs Ziggys 

You’ve heard of Batman vs Superman, Britney vs Madonna, the El Classico rivalry but nothing compares to Unio vs Ziggys. Two caffeinated study spaces in the heart of campus but one thing we can guarantee from both is a social workspace where your productivity can thrive!  

7. Student-led events 

We’ve mentioned that there are a plethora of sports clubs and societies you can join but did you know that they put on hundreds of events throughout the year. From weekly fitness classes to training and friendly matches, social meet ups and annual black-tie dinners, our students organise events that truly enhance your uni experience! Many taster sessions are hosted at the start of the semester so you can try before you purchase a membership.  

8. Student Discounts  

A holy grail as a student, student discounts can get you money off your favourite brands! Simply sign up to Unidays or Student Beans with your email address to verify your student status and start saving some cash.  

9. Avengers Campus >>> Sainsburys Centre  

Did you know that Avengers: Age of Ultron was filmed on our very campus at the Sainsbury’s Centre! In fact, Joe Russo, one half of the Russo Brothers who directed the film, spent a semester studying theatrical script writing at UEA! Safe to say our campus is full of superheros...  

10. Free products on campus 

advice(su) and our women’s officer have worked hard to provide free sanitary products in various areas on campus! In our Students’ Union you’re able to access free condoms, pronouns badges and lots more! 

11. Your university years will be the best years of your life!!! 

Starting university can be an anxious time for everyone and the workload can be stressful at times. However, you can make your time at UEA the best years of your life! There is so many opportunities to get involved in that you will get to make lifelong friends and many memories. You will find new experiences whether this be through the clubs and societies or campus activities. It is true what they say, UEA is wonderful. 
