officer blog


Activities & Opportunities

Olivia Hunt


winter events

As the winter holidays are approaching and it's snowing outside (quite literally at the time of writing this!), you might be wondering what we have in store for you during this winter break...and maybe a bit worried that there won't be anything to do. Well, FREEZE that thought, there's loads for you to do, especially if you're staying on campus or in Norwich!


If you're one for staying in your flat and keeping warm...

How about a relaxing yoga session or Nexflix parties or even a Christmas murder mystery with a chance of winning £50? Or have you always wanted to try swing dancing (I know I have)? Then why not Prance(r) around your bedroom and learn - there are three classes all suitable for total beginners taking place over the holiday period, so just grab a partner from your bubble and have a go!

Societies are also running online events for everyone to join in with! Enactus is hosting a games night and UEA WISE are running a virtual quiz.


If you want to get outside and see more of Norwich, remember to wrap up warm because...

On the 15th, slide into the Hive and pick up a mini Christmas tree for free, and whilst you're there tune in to some films screening in unio during the day! There are also loads of Active Campus events going on - wrap up warm with a hat, scarf and gloves and join the Navigate Norfolk day trips to Marston Marsh on the 12th, Mousehold Heath on the 18th and Bowthorpe Marshes on the 28th (you might even get the chance to see a horse or two, closest thing to Rudolph, right?), or another pawsible option unleashed is Dog Walking on the 16th, 21st and 23rd.


Fancy some sport?...

Drop-in sessions are restarting (Ho Ho Hooray)! Take a dip in the pool or hit up some badminton as these drop-ins will be taking place throughout the holidays. Alternatively, group-exercise is also back, so why not try some pilates, indoor cycling, or some zumba (plus many others).


For a chance to meet other UEA students...

If you want to have the chance to meet other UEA students also staying at UEA over the winter break then virtual speed friending on the 17th is one for you, maybe you could meet up with some others in the call afterwards as well (in a covid-secure way, of course)!


If you're a PG or mature student...

The Scholars Bar will be open with tasty treats for both mature and PG students on the 11th and 16th, and films on the 14th. Alternatively, if you're a PG student hop on the bus (or walk or cycle) into the city centre to meet up with other PGs and see the tunnel of light with fish and chips on the 14th - what a way to brighten up your day! If you're a mature student, tune in to a coffee morning on the 10th or happy hour on the 11th.


Other services still open...

The Winter Warmth Support Hotline is available throughout the period so please get in touch if you need some support. More info is here.


I have just highlighted some of the things happening, but make sure you head over to and to find out EVERYTHING planned for you, whether you're on campus, in Norwich or anywhere else in the world.

Have fun, and much love,

