officer blog


Activities & Opportunities

Olivia Hunt


Get Connected: The Booklet Blog

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all staying safe and that isolation is not getting on your nerves too much. We are all in strange and uncertain circumstances but at the Student’s Union we want to help as much as possible.

We know some of you might be feeling anxious, lonely or maybe bored, so we have created a new ‘hub’ called Get Connected! This hub includes multiple different facets and new ideas you can do at home – from cooking and exercising, to entertainment and learning new skills!

On top of that, because we know people don't always have access to the internet or are able to browse around our website, we produced a downloadable booklet which includes a little taste of everything we have to offer, including a list of 101 things to do at home, ways to get involved with volunteering, what support you can get during this crisis or even some games and sudokus!

You can find all the Get Connected information plus all the activities and things to do here. You can also find the downloadable booklet at the bottom of the page. We are always looking for new things to add so feel free to send over any ideas you have. You can email them to

We also know there have been a lot of questions regarding multiple areas of university experience, whether that is academia, shop, events, student groups, etc. We are trying to keep our FAQs up to date and you can find them here: Coronavirus Guidance FAQs and Student Group FAQs

If your question is not answered there, please feel free to email it across to us. Always here to answer and support.

Much love,

Ali xx
