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Postgraduate(su) Sports and Events

Postgraduate(su) Sports and Events

Welcome to the postgraduate(su) sports and events page! Below are the listings for our soonest upcoming events, but if you want to look a little further ahead, check out the full calendar here.

This page lists events that specifically cater to postgraduates, mature undergraduates, and student with caring responsibilities at the UEA. Most events are free, though some may require you to pay a small deposit or sign up for a free ticket in order to secure a place.

Got event ideas? We'd love to hear from you - feel free to suggest them here!

The Flaming Lips at UEA

What's on?

Skills Workshop 3: How to Ace Your Interview
24th January
Bookable Room 6 and online
Interview Ready: Build Skills, Gain Confidence.
Postgraduate | Free | Making Friends | Wheelchair Accessible | All Abilities | Mature Student
Cuban Salsa Lesson
27th January
Thomas Paine Study Centre Foyer
A 2-hour Cuban salsa lesson. The first hour is for beginners, and the second hour is for returners/intermediates.
Postgraduate | Society | Cultural | Decolonise UEA | Making Friends | Returners | Mature Student
Bowthorpe Marshes walk
2nd February
The Square
A FREE walk including Marriott's Way and Bowthorpe marshes!
Postgraduate | Free | Society | Making Friends | Returners | Newcomers | Mature Student
GIAG: Cuban Salsa Taster Session
3rd February
Thomas Paine Study Centre Foyer
Join us for a fun and interactive beginners Cuban salsa taster session!
Postgraduate | Free | Society | Cultural | Decolonise UEA | Making Friends | Returners | Newcomers | Mature Student | MedSoc Freshers | Give It A Go

Regular Postgrad Sports Activities

Swim Tickets

We are offering limited number of swim tickets for the first semester. To purchase a swim ticket, please go to the reception of the Sports Park, present your campus card and request to purchase one of these. We are currently only accepting payment in cash - the cards are £1, please bring the correct coins as we cannot provide change. We are working to get this online so you can pay by card, sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your patience. 

PG Sport

PG Sport is a programme of fun activities for postgraduate students, to help develop a healthy lifestyle and promote a sporting habit - all at a great discount! An initiative set up by the SU in collaboration with UEA Sport, all sessions take place at the Sportspark. If you want to find out more, click here.

More information about postgraduate involvement in sports societies:

The Union has 62 sports clubs, and works to keep them accessible to postgraduate students. Sports clubs are not just a place for those wishing to compete competitively, they are also a way to relieve stress and get out of the lab or the library for a bit. This year at least 68% of our Clubs have training hours that are postgraduate friendly (after 5pm and on weekends) and the vast majority have at least two sessions a week that are accessible. To see all the clubs and societies we have on offer, click here.


The UEA Courage Project set up PhDiggers - a gardening group for postgraduates at the University of East Anglia. We were and still are eager to unite keen gardeners and amateurs alike to build and strengthen our postgraduate and research community through a mutual interest in nature.

PhDiggers launched in May 2019 with a gardening project run in collaboration with the UEA Estates team. Postgraduates worked together with Estates to transform an area on campus into a Silent Space - an outdoor place for solitary reflection.

Since then, the allotments have been through a lot of transformation. PhDiggers had 5 spaces on the UEA campus where postgrads grew a variety of seasonal vegetables, fruits, and other plants. However, over the past few years the pandemic has meant the group had to put a pause on growing. But... as of May 2022 we have secured 2 new allotments! Plans are in the works, and we hope the begin again this summer to build up the club and start diggin'!

Other Postgrad Event Information

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