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UEA Snowsports:

Welcome to UEA snowsports, where throughout the year we run taster sessions, lessons, and open training in both race and freestyle. Snowsports is the perfect sport to join if you want to meet new people, challenge yourself or try a new sport. Whether you have never skied/snowboarded before or race in competitions, there is something for everyone. We are also organising the best trip for 2025 which you will not want to miss out on!


Sports fair and taster sessions:

Come along to the sports fair on the 18th September 2024, where we will be there to answer any questions you may have. We are so excited to meet you! We will also be running taster sessions in the first few weeks of term, so that you can try the sport out.


Training sessions:

We train weekly at the dryslope in Trowse. Sessions, such as freestyle, race and open practice, costs around £9. Usual training sessions are:

  • Wednesday – Open Practice (13:00 – 18:00)
  • Friday – Wannabe Racers (17:30 – 19:00)

Tickets will be on the SU website. If you have any questions, please contact us.



We also compete in numerous competitions throughout the year which are open to all, such as BUDS, BUISC, and more. 


Committee 24/25:

President: Eloise Potel,

Vice President: Summer Walls-Lavers,

Treasurer: Grace Hosier,

Trip Secretary: Harvey Wooller, and Kate Davison,

Ski Captain: Flic Venables,

Publicity Officer: Angus Coulson,

Social Secretary: Joe Comerford,


Contact us:

If you have any questions or queries please contact us. Either email us or message the ueasnow Instagram ( Follow the Insta and WhatsApp to keep up to date with training, socials and other club events.


Additional Cost of Sport Ranges:

The additional cost of sport project, which was created by the Students’ Union, alongside uea+sport, is designed to give prospective members information on the range of costs they may face in joining their chosen sport.

This range should be taken as guidance. For compulsory costs, this price includes uea+sport membership which is £55, and you only need to pay once to join all of our clubs.

When considering additional costs, some clubs may have none and others may have further costs. This is often dependent on the level of competitiveness for the sport you get involved in, and so recreational or socially playing may be cheaper. You may also have equipment which can be used between multiple sports, for example shoes or gum shields.

For any questions, please ask the sport club for specific further information, or for further information on the project.

Many thanks,

Luke Johnson

Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 23/24