
Weaving in Pain Education

Tuesday 27 February 2024, 6pm - 7pm

Online via Teams

This hour workshop with Mireille, who teaches the Alexander Technique, will discuss the practicalities and pitfalls of educating on pain science as part of a practical/movement based approach (Alexander technique).

This hour workshop with Mireille, who teaches the Alexander Technique, will discuss the practicalities and pitfalls of educating on pain science as part of a practical/movement based approach (Alexander technique).

With Mireille Heald of Back to Active
Mireille teaches Alexander Technique, combined with pain education to give people the skills and knowledge to find their way out of long term pain. Her previous career as a vet, and the experience of living with, and recovering from, life altering chronic pain herself, gives her a unique take on this area where modern approaches to pain and 'alternative therapy' meet.

This event will be followed by a F2F workshop in March (separate ticket required).