
Model UN - Cuban Missile Crisis x University of Bristol

Saturday 11 February 2023, 10am - 4pm

Bookable Room 6, the Hive

Attention all, gather your stars and stripes and your screaming eagles for our first special event of this semester!

In collaboration with @bristolmodelun we'll be kicking off the term with a joint Cuban Missile Crisis session! We'll be representing the god-fearing patriots of the US while our friends at Bristol will take on the mantle of those damn freedom-hating Reds in a quest to avoid/accelerate nuclear armageddon. No prior experience is necessary, so if you're a fan of high-stakes Cold War drama, why not try your hand as we replay the closest time the world has ever come to total nuclear annihilation... 

More information and sign-ups will take place at our regular session on Wednesday the 8th of February.  

(To clarify, both groups will remain in Norwich and Bristol, the event will be run through discord so do download it if you haven't already!)