
Model UN: China-Taiwan dispute

Wednesday 28 September 2022, 3pm - 5pm

Bookable Room 6, the Hive


"Two Chinas, both unalike in dignity 

In fair South-East Asia where we lay our scene 

From post-war grudge break to new mutiny 

Where Biden’s blunder makes US hands unclean 

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes 

A group of star-cross’d nations do make things right 

Whose misadventured piteous overthrow 

Do with their diplomacy bury the Asian strife 

(or alternatively make things much, much worse)" 


Join us this Wednesday for Model UN's second session of the year - if you hadn't guessed, we'll be doing China and Taiwan and hearing all your creative solutions. Background Guide will be published in advance, so you'll all have time to do your own research if that tickles your fancy - alternatively, just show up on the day and prepare to have fun! 

Background Guide is now available! China, America, and Taiwan Background Guide.docx