
welcome back bar meet

Thursday 15 February 2024, 7pm - 10pm

SU Blue Bar

welcome back devsoc! we hope you all have had an amazing and relaxing winter break!

we're excited for all the events we have planned this year! to start off we want to welcome everyone back or welcome newcomers to devsoc by holding a su bar meet up. where you can meet new people or say hello to familar faces. as well as get to know the committee a bit more: ask any questions or give any suggestions for future events or fundraising ideas. 

THURSDAY 15TH FEB 2024 |19:00-20:00

tickets are free but you MUST BE A DEVSOC MEMEBER! so be sure to get your membership (link is in our instagram bio or go to the su page!) 

any issues regarding anything please let us know! :)

devlove <3