
Beyond the Binary

We recognise that non-binary topics and concerns are often pushed aside or ignored, so we want to help ensure visibility. At uea(su) we work to ensure a welcoming and friendly place for all people and we refuse to ignore the blatant injustices that are imposed upon the non-binary community by unfair legislation and legal documentation passed by Parliament and the UK judicial system.

As recently as December 2021, a motion was passed to deny non-binary people gender neutral passports with the 'X' gender marker. This would have been a simple change to implement which would have improved the lives and visibility of countless people. We do not agree with this decision and intend to send a formal letter of response to the supreme courts to express our dissatisfaction and urge them to reconsider their decision.

What was the proposal?

Christie Elan-Cane, a non-gendered activist in the UK, has long been a proponent for the inclusion of gender neutral passports for those that identify outside of the binary. Over the course of multiple petitions to the UK government and many other acts of activism, they have campaigned for the rights of non-binary and trans people.

With other countries, such as the United States of America, adopting the option of gender neutral passports we feel that the UK government has no reason to justifiably deny this human right any longer.

Our part

Once our formal response has been written and received, we will be posting it's contents publicly as an open letter and any responses we might receive.

Watch this space!