
candidate manifestos

Candidate for the position of Activities and Opportunities Officer (FT)

Image for Mitchell Layzell

Mitchell Layzell

Your Voices, Your Choices.

Why Pick Me?

I want to be dedicated to making sure that your voice, the student voice, is heard as much as possible in the decision making of the student union.

  • I am currently an active Vice-President for two societies and a Welfare Officer for another, I've had experience with being a committee or highly involved in helping societies.
  • I am a union council representative so I've been heavily involved and have exposure to the student union's ongoing work.
  • I am a course representative for 3rd year computing science so I have experience with making a group of student's voices heard.

My Pledges

Sports Clubs

  • Grant Transparency - I want to make sure that all clubs are prepared and will be able to plan accordingly for club activities so I want to make sure that clubs will have information about their grants ahead of time along with making sure there is nothing hidden for what each club will be getting.
  • Affordability & Accessibility - Given the cost-of-living crisis we need to guarantee that clubs will not be a choice based on finance, I want to push to reduce the entry for joining a sports club as myself included was put off this year due to the need to save money to continue student life. 


  • Improving Responsibilities - Sometimes running a society is hard especially when some people fail or neglect their positions, I want to help make sure that roles can be fulfilled and update the rulings on what is considered an official committee meeting and helping with voting of no confidence alongside occasional check-in emails to signatory roles.
  • Safe Societies - Nobody should feel unsafe or uncomfortable when attending society socials, I want to help improve safeguarding policies around UEA SU and help create an environment where people can enjoy being in a place with similar course and interests. I want to help implement a feedback form on the UEA SU site to allow students to have further communication with societies such as reporting incidents or giving advice to help improve the society.


  • Night Bus - Following Luke Johnson's efforts I want to continue and inherit the work for the Night Bus project to make sure that students will have a safe option to get home from city centre after experiencing the nightlife given from being a UEA student being someone who had to individually pay £12 for a taxi.
  • Academic Representative Exposure - The student voice is the most important thing to dictate your course, after all you are the ones taking the course. I want to be more involved in helping to make the position of academic representative have a larger focus by making academic reps be promoted on the UEA SU web pages and social media. It's normally a struggle for some courses to find people who want to participate in being an academic rep which is why I want to express the importance of making sure there are those who are aware that this role exists.