
candidate manifestos

Candidate for the position of Non-Portfolio Officer (PT)

Image for Chris Kershaw

Chris Kershaw


Howdy! My name is Chris [He/Him], I’m a 3rd year PhD candidate in American Studies. I’m running to be one of your Part-Time Non-Portfolio Officers next year at your Student Union.

My Experience:

I’ve had a varied life before returning to university: working, traveling, and having a great time while I did it! One thing that has stayed constant, however, has been my drive to work for the community around me and make things better for us all.

Since coming to UEA for my Masters degree (five years ago!), I’ve thrown myself into numerous works and projects to make UEA an institution we can all be proud of! Here are some of the things I have been involved in:

Vice Chancellors anti-racism task force.

President of DecoloniseUEA.

Vice-President of Labour Soc.

PGR HUM Decant Rep.


PGR PAL Mentor.

My Pledges:

Decolonise – Maybe, old white men don’t know everything?

Take your democratic mandate and continue to push decolonial efforts across all faculties at the university.

Divest – Ethical banking and investment policy, now!

Whether it be impending ecological collapse or state sanctioned occupation and oppression, UEA students should not be made complicit through improper use and handling of their tuition.

Defend Post-Grads and up-lift Undergrads – I’m big, scary, and will fight for you!

I’ve worked hard to make PGR’s feel valued and Undergrads have a sense of belonging at UEA.  Whether elected or not, this isn’t going to change any time soon.