
Swim Bike Run Local

Wednesday 06 March 2024, 4pm - 5:30pm


Swim, Bike, Run in partnership with British Triathlon is a local monthly opportunity to help create fitness habits of a lifetime. Come and get started with likeminded people and build your confidece in these fun and welcoming opportunities!


Please use this link to book for the eventSwim Bike Run Local Norwich – British Triathlon and click on the Norwich option.


Please arrive around 10 minutes early and make your way through the turnstiles at reception (free entry). The swimming pool is to the left, before it will be a volunteer at a desk to welcome you and sign you in.  If you have any questions please email  If you're interested in volunteering then please fill out this form:



We're committed to making sure all uea+sport events are as accessible as possible for all students. 

This event requires physical activity so if any attendees with individual concerns about their accessibility are advised to contact uea+sport via for additional support. 

uea+sport privacy notice

Sessions are organised and run by uea+sport and may require some information from you regarding your participation in the session. Therefore, please visit the uea+sport/Sportspark privacy notice to understand what data we may require and how we use it. This can be found here: